Support fish production
I will support you in fish production by providing training, fish stock lists, fish feeding plans, action plans and protocols to monitor and adjust your aquaculture systems. First I have to get to know your fish farm and the processes on site. On this basis, I recommend optimizations and develop basic documents and Excel programs.
Most of the production management is done from my home office. Nonetheless, I think it’s worthwhile to review fish stocks and aquaculture systems from time to time. In this context I offer to take on a weekend shift and relieve your team at the same time.
Evaluation of the fish farm
I evaluate aquaculture systems, planning documents or offers for fish farms on the basis of your fish production plan in interaction with the fish tanks, the water treatment and the water availability. My evaluation is based on fish species-specific key figures on growth, feeding, stocking density, mortality, water quality requirements and the behavior of the fish species.
I review the design of the fish tanks and water treatment. I assess the productive volume, filter capacity and hydraulic residence time in fish tanks and biofilters. For the latter I also calculate the pipe losses in order to be able to determine the operating point of the pumps on their characteristic curves.